Tuesday, December 1, 2020

1.1 Mama 死去

Gōa-Lâng | 外人

Goân-tù | 原著: L'étranger, by Albert Camus

Eng-e̍k: The Stranger (Matthew Ward)


Tē-it Phiⁿ


1.1 Mama sí khì

Mama kin-á-ji̍t sí--khì. Hoān-sè sī cha-hng, góa mā m̄-chai. Góa chiap-tio̍h iáng-ló-īⁿ ê tiān-pò: "Lín lāu-bú kòe-sin. Bîn-á-chài lo̍h-chòng. Chhiáⁿ chiat-ai." Siá bô bêng-pe̍k. Hoān-sè he sī cha-hng.

Iáng-ló-īⁿ tī Marengo, lī Algiers liōng-iok 80 kilo. Góa boeh hù nn̄g-tiám ê básuh, ē-po͘ tō ē kàu-ūi. Án-ne, góa tō ē-hù chiú-lêng, koh tī bîn-á-àm tò-tńg-lâi. Góa kā thâu-ke chhéng-ká nn̄g-kang, chit-lō tāi-chì i bē-tàng kī-choa̍t. M̄-koh i ká-ná bô siáⁿ hoaⁿ-hí. Góa sīm-chì kā kóng, "He mā m̄-sī góa ê m̄-tio̍h."

I bô kóng siáⁿ. Āu-lâi góa siūⁿ, góa bô eng-kai kóng hit-kù ōe. Chóng-sī, góa mā bô su-iàu kiû i goân-liōng. Tian-tò sī i eng-kai kā góa ùi-būn. M̄-koh che khó-lêng ài tán kàu āu--ji̍t, tán i khòaⁿ tio̍h góa tòa-hà. Chit-má ká-ná sī Mama iáu-bōe sí. M̄-koh, tán song-sū pān liáu, tāi-chì tō kiat-sok ah, sū-sū hāng-hāng tō ē ū khah tiāⁿ-tio̍h ê kám-kak ah.

Góa tah nn̄g-tiám ê básuh. Thiⁿ-khì chin joa̍h. Hām pêng-sî kāng-khoán, góa tī Céleste ê pn̄g-tiàm chia̍h-tàu. Ta̍k-ê lóng ūi góa m̄-kam, Céleste kóng, "Lāu-bú kan-ta ū chi̍t-ê." Góa lī-khui ê sî, in lóng sàng góa kàu mn̂g-kháu. Góa kám-kak chiâⁿ hoân, in-ūi góa tio̍h khì Emmanuel hia, kā i chioh o͘ nekutái kap o͘-se-tòa. Kúi kò goe̍h chêng, in A-chek tú kòe-sin.

Góa kō͘ cháu ê, bián-tit hù bē-tio̍h básuh. Khó-lêng in-ūi án-né chông, básuh koh iô-iô chhe̍k-chhe̍k, koh ū gasolín ê bī hām thiⁿ-téng kap chhia-lō͘ ê kng-liāng, góa soah tuh-ku khì, chha-put-to kui-lō͘ lóng teh khùn. Chhéⁿ lâi ê sî, góa khò tī chi̍t-ê a-peng-ko ê keng-thâu; i tùi góa chhiò-chhiò, mn̄g góa sī-m̄-sī chē tn̂g-tô͘ ê. Góa kan-ta kā ìn "sī," án-ne góa tō m̄-bián ke kóng siáⁿ ah.

Iáng-ló-īⁿ lī chng-ni̍h ū nn̄g kilo, góa kō͘ kiâⁿ ê khì. Góa boeh kín khòaⁿ tio̍h Mama. M̄-koh, kò͘-mn̂g ê kang-iú kā góa kóng, góa tio̍h seng kìⁿ īⁿ-tiúⁿ. Īⁿ-tiúⁿ tng-teh bô-êng, góa tio̍h tán chi̍t-ē. Kang-iú ōe kóng bô thêng, āu-lâi, chóng-sǹg chhōa góa lâi pān-kong-sek kìⁿ tio̍h īⁿ-tiúⁿ. Īⁿ-tiúⁿ sī chi̍t-ê sè-hàn lāu-lâng, tī se-chong ê hoan-niá pín chi̍t-ê Êng-ū-thoân (Legion of Honor) hun-chiong. I ê chhián-sek ba̍k-chiu kim-kim khòaⁿ góa. I koh hām góa ak-chhiú, tēⁿ kú-kú, hāi góa m̄-chai án-chóaⁿ kiu-chhiú hó. I hian khòaⁿ chi̍t-ê tòng-àn, koh kóng:

"Meursault /mur.só/ Tt* sī saⁿ-tang chêng poaⁿ lâi ê. Lí sī yi ûi-it ê chhin-chiâⁿ." [* Tt = Thài-thài]

Góa kiò-sī i teh chek-pī góa, tō khai-sí kái-soeh. M̄-koh i bô hō͘ góa koh kóng.

"Koai gín-á, lí m̄-bián kái-soeh siáⁿ. Góa í-keng tha̍k kòe lín lāu-bú ê tòng-àn. Lí bô lêng-le̍k hó-hó thê-kiong yi siáⁿ-mih. Yi tio̍h ài ū lâng chiàu-kò͘. Lí ê sin-súi siuⁿ chió. Sū-si̍t siōng, lín lāu-bú tī chia tian-tò khah khoài-lo̍k."

Góa kóng, "Sī ah, sian-siⁿ."

I koh kóng, "Lí khòaⁿ, tī chia yi ū nî-hòe chiap-kīn ê pêng-iú. Yi ē-tàng hām in kau-tâm kòe-khì ê tāi-chì. Lí siuⁿ siàu-liân, kap lí chò-hóe yi tiāⁿ-tio̍h chin pháiⁿ kòe-ji̍t."

Che sī si̍t-ōe. Mama tī chhù kap góa chò-hóe ê sî, yi kan-ta kui-kang iōng ba̍k-chiu lia̍h góa khòaⁿ, tiām-tiām bô ōe. Poaⁿ-lâi iáng-ló-īⁿ liáu, thâu kúi kang yi chia̍p-chia̍p khàu. M̄-koh, he sī in-ūi yi bē koàn-sì. Tòa kúi goe̍h-ji̍t liáu, lí nā koh boeh kā poaⁿ-cháu, yi tiāⁿ-tio̍h mā ē khàu. In-ūi yi í-keng koàn-sì ah. Mā sī in-ūi án-ne, kòe-khì chit-nî góa khah bô hiah chia̍p lâi thàm-bōng yi. Che mā sī in-ūi, lâi chi̍t-chōa, góa ê lé-pài-ji̍t tō o͘-iú khì, koh khah bián kóng tio̍h kóaⁿ básuh, bé phiò, koh khai nn̄g tiám-cheng chē-chhia.

Īⁿ-tiúⁿ koh-chài teh tùi góa kóng-ōe, m̄-koh góa bô siáⁿ teh kā thiaⁿ. Lo̍h-bóe i kóng, "Góa siūⁿ lí ē boeh koh kìⁿ lín lāu-bú chi̍t-bīn."

Góa khiā khí-lâi, bô kóng ōe, i tō niá góa chhut-mn̂g. Lo̍h-lâu ê sî, i kái-soeh kóng:

"Goán í-keng kā sóa khì thêng-si-keng, bián-tit kî-thaⁿ ê lâng gāi-gio̍h. Īⁿ-ni̍h nā ū lâng óng-seng, kî-thaⁿ ê lāu-lâng tio̍h ē ū nn̄g-saⁿ kang ê put-an. Án-ne, ho̍k-bū tō ke khah khùn-lân."

Goán kiâⁿ-kòe chi̍t-ê tiâⁿ, hia ū chē-chē lāu-lâng, hun-chò saⁿ-gō͘ lâng chò-tīn án-ne teh khai-káng. Goán kiâⁿ kàu ê sî, in tō bô koh kóng-ōe; kiâⁿ kòe liáu, kóng-ōe ê siaⁿ tō tī goán āu-bīn koh khai-sí. He siaⁿ tō ná-chhiūⁿ chi̍t-tīn eng-ko pàng kē-im teh chhi-bú-chhī-chhū. Lâi-kàu chi̍t-keng sè-keng chhù ê mn̂g-chêng, īⁿ-tiúⁿ thêng lo̍h-lâi.

"Meursault Ss*, góa chhōa lí kàu chia. Nā ū siáⁿ tāi-chì, góa lóng tī pān-kong-sek. Goân-chek-siōng, lo̍h-chòng ê sî-kan sī bîn-á-chá-khí cha̍p-tiám. Án-ne e-àm lí ē-tàng thè lāu-bú chiú-lêng. Iáu-ū: lín lāu-bú pêng-sî ká-ná ū kā pêng-iú kóng-khí, hi-bāng àn-chiàu chong-kàu ê gî-sek pān-lí song-sū. Góa tō chū-án-ne kā hoa̍t-lo̍h. M̄-koh mā tio̍h kóng hō͘ lí chai." [* Ss = Sian-siⁿ 先生]

Góa kā soeh-siā. Mama sui-jiân m̄-sī bô sìn-sîn, m̄-koh chāi-seⁿ ê sî mā m̄-bat sìn kòe siáⁿ-mih kàu.




1.1 Mama 死去

Mama 今仔日死去. 凡勢是昨昏, 毋知. 我接著養老院 ê 電報: "恁老母過身. 明仔載落葬. 請節哀." 寫無明白. 凡勢 he 是昨昏.

養老院 tī Marengo, Algiers 量約 80 kilo. 我欲赴兩點 ê básuh, 下晡 會到位. Án-ne, 會赴守靈, koh tī 明仔暗倒轉來. 頭家請假兩工, chit-lō 代誌伊袂當拒絕. M̄-koh ká-ná 無啥歡喜. 我甚至 , "He mā 毋是我 ê 毋著."

伊無講啥. 後來我想, 我無應該講彼句話. 總是, 無需要求伊原諒. 顛倒是伊應該 我慰問. M̄-koh che 可能愛等到後日, 等伊看著我帶孝. 這馬 ká-ná Mama 猶未死. M̄-koh, 等喪事辦了, 代誌 結束 ah, 事事項項 會有較定著 ê 感覺 ah.

我搭兩點 ê básuh. 天氣真熱. Kap 平時仝款, tī Céleste ê 飯店食晝. 逐个攏為我毋甘, Céleste , "老母干焦有一个." 我離開 ê , in 攏送我到門口. 我感覺誠煩, 因為我著去 Emmanuel , kā 伊借烏 nekutái kap 烏紗帶. 幾個月前, in 阿叔拄過身.

kō͘ ê, 免得赴袂著 básuh. 可能因為 án-né , básuh koh 搖搖 chhe̍k-chhe̍k, koh gasolín ê 味和天頂 kap 車路 ê 光亮, 我煞 tuh-ku , 差不多規路攏 teh . 醒來 ê , 我靠 一个阿兵哥 ê 肩頭; 伊對我笑笑, 問我是毋是坐長途 ê. 我干焦 "," án-ne 毋免加講啥 ah.

養老院離庄 ni̍h 有兩 kilo, kō͘ ê . 我欲緊看著 Mama. M̄-koh, 顧門 ê 工友 我講, 我著先見院長. 院長 tng-teh 無閒, 我著等一下. 工友話講無停, 後來, 總算 chhōa 我來辦公室見著院長. 院長是一个細漢老人, tī 西裝 ê 翻領鉼一个榮譽團 (Legion of Honor) 勳章. ê 淺色目睭金金看我. koh 和我握手, 捏久久, 害我毋知按怎勼手好. 伊掀看一个檔案, koh :

"Meursault /mur.só/ Tt* 是三冬前搬來 ê. 你是她唯一 ê chiâⁿ." [* Tt = 太太]

我叫是伊 teh 責備我, tō 開始解說. M̄-koh 伊無予我 koh .

"乖囡仔, 你毋免解說啥. 我已經讀過恁老母 ê 檔案. 你無能力好好提供她啥物. 她著愛有人照顧. ê 薪水 siuⁿ . 事實上, 恁老母 遮顛倒較快樂."

我講, "ah, 先生."

koh , "你看, tī 遮她有年歲接近 ê 朋友. 她會當和 in 交談過去 ê 代誌. siuⁿ 少年, kap 你做伙她定著真歹過日."

Che 是實話. Mama tī kap 我做伙 ê , 她干焦規工用目睭掠我看, 恬恬無話. 搬來養老院了, 頭幾工她 chia̍p-chia̍p . M̄-koh, he 是因為她袂慣勢. 蹛幾月日了, 你若 koh 搬走, 她定著 會哭. 因為她已經慣勢 ah. Mā 是因為 án-ne, 過去這年我較無 hiah chia̍p 來探望她. Che mā 是因為, chi̍t-chōa, ê 禮拜日 烏有去, koh 較免講著趕 básuh, 買票, koh 開兩點鐘坐車.

院長 koh-chài teh 對我講話, m̄-koh 我無啥 teh kā . 落尾伊講, "我想你會欲 koh 見恁老母一面."

我徛起來, 無講話, 領我出門. 落樓 ê , 伊解說講:

"阮已經 徙去停屍間, 免得其他 ê 人礙虐. 院 ni̍h 若有人往生, 其他 ê 老人著會有兩三工 ê 不安. Án-ne, 服務 tō 加較困難."

阮行過一个埕, 遐有濟濟老人, 分做三五人做陣 án-ne teh 開講. 阮行到 ê , in tō koh 講話; 行過了, 講話 ê tō tī 阮後面 koh 開始. He tō ná 像一陣鸚哥放低音 teh chhi-bú-chhī-chhū. 來到一間細間厝 ê 門前, 院長停落來.

"Meursault Ss*, chhōa 你到遮. 若有啥代誌, 我攏 辦公室. 原則上, 落ê 時間是明仔早起十點. Án-ne 下暗你會當替老母守靈. 猶有: 恁老母平時 ká-ná 朋友講起, 希望按照宗教 ê 儀式辦理喪事. án-ne kā 發落. M̄-koh mā 著講予你知."  [* Ss = Sian-siⁿ 先生]

說謝. Mama 雖然毋是無信神, m̄-koh 在生 ê bat 信過啥物教.


Part I



Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. I got a telegram from the home: "Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours." That doesn't mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday.

The old people's home is at Marengo, about eighty kilometers from Algiers, I'll take the two o'clock bus and get there in the afternoon. That way I can be there for the vigil and come back tomorrow night. I asked my boss for two days off and there was no way he was going to re­fuse me with an excuse like that. But he wasn't too happy about it. I even said, "It's not my fault." He didn't say anything. Then I thought I shouldn't have said that. After all, I didn't have anything to apologize for. He's the one who should have offered his condolences. But he probably will day after tomorrow, when he sees I'm in mourning. For now, it's almost as if Maman weren't dead. After the funeral, though, the case will be closed, and everything will have a more official feel to it. 

I caught the two o'clock bus. It was very hot. I ate at the restaurant, at Celeste's, as usual. Everybody felt very sorry for me, and Celeste said, "You only have one mother." When I left, they walked me to the door. I was a little distracted because I still had to go up to Emmanuel's place to borrow a black tie and an arm band. He lost his uncle a few months back.

I ran so as not to miss the bus. It was probably be­cause of all the rushing around, and on top of that the bumpy ride, the smell of gasoline, and the glare of the sky and the road, that I dozed off. I slept almost the whole way. And when I woke up, I was slumped against a soldier who smiled at me and asked if I'd been traveling long. I said, "Yes," just so I wouldn't have to say anything else.

The home is two kilometers from the village. I walked them. I wanted to see Maman right away. But the care­taker told me I had to see the director first. He was busy, so I waited awhile. The caretaker talked the whole time and then I saw the director. I was shown into his office. He was a little old man with the ribbon of the Legion of Honor in his lapel. He looked at me with his clear eyes. Then he shook my hand and held it so long I didn't know how to get it loose. He thumbed through a file and said, "Madame Meursault came to us three years ago. You were her sole support." I thought he was criticizing me for something and I started to explain. But he cut me off. "You don't have to justify yourself, my dear boy. I've read your mother's file. You weren't able to provide for her properly. She needed someone to look after her. You earn only a modest salary. And the truth of the matter is, she was happier here." I said,

"Yes, sir." He added, "You see, she had friends here, people her own age. She was able to share things from the old days with them. You're young, and it must have been hard for her with you."

It was true. When she was at home with me, Maman used to spend her time following me with her eyes, not saying a thing. For the first few days she was at the home she cried a lot. But that was because she wasn't used to it. A few months later and she would have cried if she'd been taken out. She was used to it. That's partly why I didn't go there much this past year. And also because it took up my Sunday-not to mention the trouble of getting to the bus, buying tickets, and spending two hours traveling.

The director spoke to me again. But I wasn't really listening anymore. Then he said, "I suppose you'd like to see your mother." I got up without saying anything and he led the way to the door. On the way downstairs, he explained, "We've moved her to our little mortuary. So as not to upset the others. Whenever one of the residents dies, the others are a bit on edge for the next two or three days. And that makes it difficult to care for them." We crossed a courtyard where there were lots of old people chatting in little groups. As we went by, the talk­ing would stop. And then the conversation would start up again behind us. The sound was like the muffied jabber of parakeets. The director stopped at the door of a small building. ''I'll leave you now, Monsieur Meur­sault. If you need me for anything, I'll be in my office. As is usually the case, the funeral is set for ten o'clock in the morning. This way you'll be able to keep vigil over the departed. One last thing: it seems your mother often expressed to her friends her desire for a religious burial. I've taken the liberty of making the necessary arrangements. But I wanted to let you know." I thanked him. While not an atheist, Maman had never in her life given a thought to religion.


1 comment:

  1. This is a great choice! I like this book a lot after I took "An Introduction to Philosophy" when I was in college. Looking forward to the translation!!


Bo̍k-lo̍k | 目錄

Goân-tù | 原著: L'étranger, by  Albert Camus Eng-e̍k | 英譯: The Stranger (Matthew Ward)   https://bxscience.edu/ourpages/auto/2019/2/28/692...