Saturday, December 12, 2020

4.2 Salamano ê 狗拍毋見

4.2 Salamano ê káu phah-m̄-kiàn

Tāi-khài saⁿ-tiám ê sî, ū-lâng khok góa ê mn̂g, Raymond kiâⁿ ji̍p-lâi. Góa bô khí-chhn̂g, i chē tī góa ê chhn̂g-piⁿ. I tiām-tiām chi̍t-khùn, góa mn̄g i tāi-chì ê keng-kòe. I kóng, i boeh chò ê lóng í-keng chò ah, m̄-koh khì hō͘ yi siàn chi̍t-ē, i chiah ē kā yi phah. Chhun-ê góa lóng ū khòaⁿ tio̍h ah.

Góa kā kóng, chāi góa khòaⁿ, taⁿ yi í-keng hông siu-lí ah, lí ē-sái boán-chiok ah-lah.

I kóng i mā án-ne siūⁿ, sui-jiân kéng-chhat khiā yi hit-pêng, che mā bē-tàng kái-piàn yi ū hông siu-lí ê sū-si̍t. I koh kóng, i chin liáu-kái kéng-chhat, mā chai án-chóaⁿ èng-hù in. I koh mn̄g góa kóng, hit-sî góa kám ū kî-thāi i phah kéng-chhat.

Góa kóng, góa siáⁿ to bô kî-thāi, iah góa mā thó-ià kéng-chhat. I thiaⁿ tio̍h ká-ná chin hoaⁿ-hí. I mn̄g góa boeh hām i chhut-khì sàn-pō͘ bô. Góa tō khí-chhn̂g, khai-sí se góa ê thâu-chang. I kóng, góa tio̍h chò i ê chèng-jîn. He góa bô ì-kiàn, m̄-koh góa m̄-chai góa tio̍h án-chóaⁿ chò-chèng.

Raymond kóng, góa só͘ su-iàu chò ê, tō sī kóng, hit-ê cha-bó͘ bat khi-phiàn i.

Góa tō tông-ì chò i ê chèng-jîn.

Goán tâng-chê chhut-khì, Raymond chhiáⁿ góa lim chi̍t-poe brandy. Koh-lâi, i boeh sńg lòng-kiû, góa kan-ta sió-khóa su. Āu-lâi i boeh khì cha-bó͘-keng, m̄-koh góa bô tah-èng, in-ūi he góa bô chhù-bī. Chū án-ne, goán bān-bān kiâⁿ tò-tńg lâi, thiaⁿ i kóng i chiâⁿ hoaⁿ-hí, i ē-tàng hō͘ hit-ê cha-bó͘ yi eng-kai tit-tio̍h ê. Góa kám-kak i tùi góa chiâⁿ siān-liông, góa jīn-ûi che sī chi̍t-ê khoài-lo̍k ê sî-kan.

Hn̄g-hn̄g, góa khòaⁿ tio̍h lāu Salamano khiā tī mn̂g-kháu. I ká-ná chin cho-sim. Goán kiâⁿ óa ê sî, góa chiah khòaⁿ tio̍h i ê káu bô tī hia. I sì-kè khòaⁿ, thâu oa̍t lâi oa̍t khì, chù-ì khòaⁿ àm-bong-bong ê ji̍p-kháu, chhùi nga̍uh-ngau̍h liām, iū-koh khai-sí iōng he khan âng-si ê sió ba̍k-chiu ǹg ke-lō͘ kau-kau khòaⁿ.

Raymond mn̄g i sī án-chóaⁿ sioh, i bô sûi kā ìn. Góa kan-ta thiaⁿ tio̍h i na̍uh-na̍uh kóng "Thái-ko chhàu káu," koh kè-sio̍k bô chi̍t-ē an-chēng. Góa mn̄g i, i ê káu tó-ūi khì. I lia̍h góa khòaⁿ chi̍t-ē, kóng i cháu khì ah. Hut-jiân, i koh kóng chhut chiah-ê ōe:

"Góa kap pêng-siông kāng-khoán chhōa i khì Chhau-liān-tiûⁿ. Ū chē-chē lâng tī phok-lám-hōe ê tàⁿ-thâu hia. Góa thêng-kha khòaⁿ 'Thoat-sin Gē-su̍t chi Ông.' Góa koh boeh kiâⁿ ê sî, soah khòaⁿ bô i. Tong-jiân, góa goân-pún chin kú tō siūⁿ boeh kā bé chi̍t-ê khah sè ê ām-khian. M̄-koh góa bô siūⁿ tio̍h hit-ê chhàu káu ē án-ne pak-khui ka-tī."

Raymond tō kā kóng, hit-chiah káu hoān-sè bê-lō͘ khì ah, m̄-koh i ē ka-tī tńg lâi. I kí-lē kóng, ū kóa káu ka-tī kiâⁿ kúi-cha̍p lí lō͘, tńg-lâi chú-lâng ê chhù. M̄-koh hit-ê lāu-lâng khòaⁿ tio̍h koh-khah hoân-ló.

"M̄-koh, lí mā chai, i ē hông lia̍h khì. Hoān-sè mā bē -- thong-lâng thó-ià i seⁿ-sián. Kéng-chhat tiāⁿ-tio̍h ē kā lia̍h khì."

Góa tō kiàn-gī i khì lîm-sî siu-liû-tiûⁿ chhōe, kau kóa chîⁿ, tō ē-sái kā niá chhut-lâi. I mn̄g góa ài kau gōa-chē chîⁿ. Góa mā m̄-chai. I soah teh siū-khì, kóng:

"Ūi hit-chiah chhàu káu khai-chîⁿ -- ha! I siōng-hó khì sí lah!" I tō koh chi̍t-lō͘ kiāu hit-chiah káu.

Raymond ài-chhiò, tō kiâⁿ ji̍p-khì. Góa tòe tī i āu-piah, kàu lâu-téng ê sî, goán tō hun-khui. Kòe bô gōa kú, góa koh thiaⁿ tio̍h lāu-lâng ê kha-pō͘ siaⁿ, i lâi khok góa ê mn̂g.

Góa phah-khui mn̂g, i khiā tī mn̂g-kháu chi̍t-khùn, chiah kóng, "Pháiⁿ-sè, pháiⁿ-sè."

Góa chhiáⁿ i ji̍p-lâi, m̄-koh i bô tín-tāng. I ba̍k-chiu khòaⁿ ka-tī ê ê-chiam, kiat sián-phí ê siang-chhiú khu̍h-khu̍h chùn. I koh mn̄g, bô gia̍h-ba̍k khòaⁿ góa:

"I bē hông lia̍h-khì lah hoⁿh, Meursault Ss? In tio̍h kā hêng hō͘ góa. Nā bô, góa boeh án-chóaⁿ hó lah?"

Góa kā kóng, siu-liû-tiûⁿ kā káu lâu saⁿ-kang, thang hō͘ chú-lâng khì jīn koh kā chhōa-tńg, kòe liáu hit-ê sî-kan, in chiah ē chò pit-iàu ê chhú-lí.

I chēng-chēng khòaⁿ góa. Lo̍h-bóe i kóng, "Àm-an." I koaiⁿ i ê mn̂g, góa koh thiaⁿ tio̍h i tī chhù-lāi kiâⁿ lâi kiâⁿ khì. I ê bîn-chhn̂g kiⁿ-kiⁿ koāiⁿ-koāiⁿ. Koh ùi keh-keng thoân kòe-lâi ê kî-koài siaⁿ-im, góa chai-iaⁿ he sī i teh khàu. Mā m̄-chai ūi siáⁿ-mih, góa soah siūⁿ-khí Mama. In-ūi bîn-á-chài tio̍h chá-chá khí-chhn̂g, iū-koh bē kám-kak pak-tó͘ iau, góa bô chia̍h àm-tǹg tō khì khùn.


4.2 Salamano ê 狗拍毋見

大概三點 ê , 有人 khok ê , Raymond 行入來. 我無起床, 伊坐 ê 床邊. 伊恬恬一睏, 我問伊代誌 ê 經過. 伊講, 伊欲做 ê lóng 已經做 ah, m̄-koh 去予她搧一下, 伊才會 她拍. ê lóng 有看著 ah.

, 在我看, 今她已經 hông 修理 ah, 你會使滿足 ah-lah.

伊講伊 mā án-ne , 雖然警察徛她彼爿, che mā 袂當改變她有 hông 修理 ê 事實. koh , 伊真了解警察, mā 知按怎應付 in. koh 問我講, 彼時我敢有期待伊拍警察.

我講, 我啥 to 無期待, iah 討厭警察. 伊聽著 ká-ná 真歡喜. 伊問我欲和伊出去散步無. 起床, 開始梳我 ê 頭鬃. 伊講, 我著做伊 ê 證人. He 我無意見, m̄-koh 我毋知我著按怎做證.

Raymond , 我所需要做 ê, tō 是講, 彼个查某 bat 欺騙伊.

同意做伊 ê 證人.

阮同齊出去, Raymond 請我啉一杯 brandy. Koh , 伊欲耍挵球, 我干焦小可輸. 後來伊欲去查某間, m̄-koh 我無答應, 因為 he 我無趣味. án-ne, 阮慢慢行倒轉來, 聽伊講伊誠歡喜, 伊會當予彼个查某她應該得著 ê. 我感覺伊對我誠善良, 我認為 che 是一个快樂 ê 時間.

遠遠, 我看著老 Salamano 門口. ká-ná 真慒心. 阮行倚 ê , 我才看著伊 ê 狗無 . 伊四界看, 頭越來越去, 注意看暗摸摸 ê 入口, nga̍uh-ngau̍h , koh 開始用 he 牽紅絲 ê 小目睭 ǹg 街路 kau-kau .

Raymond 問伊是按怎 sioh, 伊無隨 . 我干焦聽著伊 na̍uh-na̍uh "Thái-ko 臭狗," koh 繼續無一下安靜. 我問伊, ê 狗佗位去. 伊掠我看一下, 講伊走去 ah. 忽然, koh 講出 chiah-ê :

"kap 平常仝款 chhōa 伊去操練場. 有濟濟人 博覽會 ê 擔頭遐. 我停跤看 '脫身藝術之王.' koh 欲行 ê , 煞看無伊. 當然, 我原本真久 想欲 買一个較細 ê 頷圈. M̄-koh 我無想著彼个臭狗會 án-ne 剝開家己."

Raymond tō kā , 彼隻狗凡勢迷路去 ah, m̄-koh 伊會家己轉來. 伊舉例講, 有寡狗家己行幾十里路, 轉來主人 ê . M̄-koh 彼个老人看著 koh 較煩惱.

"M̄-koh, , 伊會 hông 掠去. 凡勢 -- 通人討厭伊生癬. 警察定著會 掠去."

建議伊去臨時收留場揣, 交寡錢, tō 會使 領出來. 伊問我愛交偌濟錢. 毋知. 伊煞 teh 受氣, :

"為彼隻臭狗開錢 -- ha! 伊上好去死 lah!" tō koh 一路 kiāu 彼隻狗.

Raymond 愛笑, tō 行入去. 我綴 伊後壁, 到樓頂 ê , 分開. 過無偌久, koh 聽著老人 ê 跤步聲, 伊來 khok ê .

我拍開門, 伊徛 門口一睏, 才講, "歹勢, 歹勢."

我請伊入來, m̄-koh 伊無振動. 伊目睭看家己 ê 鞋尖, 結癬疕 ê 雙手 khu̍h-khu̍h . koh , 無攑目看我:

"伊袂 hông 掠去 lah hoⁿh, Meursault Ss? In 還予我. 若無, 我欲按怎好 lah?"

, 收留場 狗留三工, 通予主人去認 koh kā chhōa , 過了彼个時間, in 才會做必要 ê 處理.

伊靜靜看我. 落尾伊講, "暗安." 伊關伊 ê , koh 聽著伊 厝內行來行去. ê 眠床 kiⁿ-kiⁿ koāiⁿ-koāiⁿ. Koh ùi 隔間傳過來 ê 奇怪聲音, 我知影 he 是伊 teh . Mā 毋知為啥物, 我煞想起 Mama. 因為明仔載著早早起床, koh 袂感覺腹肚枵, 我無食暗頓 去睏.



Around three o'clock there was a knock on my door and Raymond came in. I didn't get up. He sat down on the edge of my bed. He didn't say anything for a minute and I asked him how it had all gone. He told me that he'd done what he wanted to do but that she'd slapped him and so he'd beaten her up. I'd seen the rest. I told him it seemed to me that she'd gotten her punishment now and he ought to be happy. He thought so too, and he pointed out that the cop could do anything he wanted, it wouldn't change the fact that she'd gotten her beating. He added that he knew all about cops and how to handle them. Then he asked me if I'd expected him to hit the cop back. I said I wasn't expecting anything, and besides I didn't like cops. Raymond seemed pretty happy. He asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with him. I got up and started combing my hair. He told me that I'd have to act as a witness for him. It didn't matter to me, but I didn't know what I was supposed to say. According to Raymond, all I had to do was to state that the girl had cheated on him. I agreed to act as a witness for him.

We went out and Raymond bought me a brandy.

Then he wanted to shoot a game of pool, and I just barely lost. Afterwards he wanted to go to a whorehouse, but I said no, because I don't like that. So we took our time getting back, him telling me how glad he was that he'd been able to give the woman what she deserved. I found him very friendly with me and I thought it was a nice moment.

From a distance I noticed old Salarnano standing on the doorstep. He looked flustered. When we got closer, I saw that he didn't have his dog. He was looking all over the place, turning around, peering into the darkness of the entryway, muttering incoherently, and then he started searching the street again with his little red eyes. When Raymond asked him what was wrong, he didn't answer right away. I barely heard him mumble "Stinking bastard," and he went on fidgeting around. I asked him where his dog was. He snapped at me and said he was gone. And then all of a sudden the words carne pouring out: "I took him to the Parade Ground, like always. There were lots of people around the booths at the fair. I stopped to watch The King of the Escape Artists.' And when I was ready to go, he wasn't there. Sure, I've been meaning to get him a smaller collar for a long time. But I never thought the bastard would take off like that."

Then Raymond pointed out to him that the dog might have gotten lost and that he would come back. He gave examples of dogs that had walked dozens of kilometers to get back to their masters. Nevertheless, the old man looked even more flustered. "But they'll take him away from me, don't you see? If only somebody would take him i n . But that's impossible-everybody's disgusted by his scabs. The police'll get him for sure." So I told him he should go to the pound and they'd give the dog back to him after he paid a fee. He asked me if it was a big fee. I didn't know. Then he got mad: "Pay money for that bastard-hal He can damn well die!" And he started cursing the dog. Raymond laughed and went inside. I followed him and we parted upstairs on the landing. A minute later I heard the old man's footsteps and he knocked on my door. When I opened it, he stood in the doorway for a minute and said, "Excuse me, excuse me." I asked him to come in, but he refused. He was looking down at the tips of his shoes and his scabby hands were trembling. Without looking up at me he asked, "They're not going to take him away from me, are they, Monsieur Meursault? They'll give him back to me. Otherwise, what's going to happen to me?" I told him that the pound kept dogs for three days so that their owners could come and claim them and that after that they did with them as they saw fit. He looked at me in silence. Then he said, "Good night." He shut his door and I heard him pacing back and forth. His bed creaked. And from the peculiar little noise coming through the partition, I realized he was crying. For some reason I thought of Maman. But I had to get up early the next morning. I wasn't hungry, and I went to bed without any dinner.


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Bo̍k-lo̍k | 目錄

Goân-tù | 原著: L'étranger, by  Albert Camus Eng-e̍k | 英譯: The Stranger (Matthew Ward)